- text-indent
- text-align, start and end, match-parent vs inherit
- text-align-last and jusitfy
- line box vs leading vs content area
- computed line-height = line-height * font-size
- body font-size: 16px,line-height 1.5em vs 1.5 vs 24px
- vertical-align middle = baseline + 0.25 em ~= 0.5ex
- replaced = bottom align baseline
- computed vertical align = vertical align % * line height
- vertical align % can increase line-height
- word-spacing vs letter-spacing
- letter-spacing doesn’t take a number unlike line-height, so set it explicitly
- text-transformation, text-decoration
- text-decoration doesn’t inherit, underline is from parent, change the color of the child to verify, then add underline to child again https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0630.html
- text-decoration from parent vs vertical-align
- text-rendering https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0634.html
- text-shadow https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0636.html
- white-space table 6-1, tab-size
- hyphens, https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0641.html
- word-break table 6-2
- line-break
- overflow-wrap https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0643.html
- writing-mode https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0644.html
- writing-mode vs margin https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0648.html
- text-orientation https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/06-text-properties/ch0649.html
- (old browser) direction, unicode-bidi