PHP Callable Class
makes an object callable.
class CallableObject
public function __invoke()
Though there is no magic method that makes a class callable e.g.
But we can still make a callable class. That’s to define a function with the same name as the class. E.g.
function CallableClass()
return new CallableClass();
class CallableClass
public function __invoke()
Note that before PHP 5.6, the constructor signature has to duplicate again as the function signature, this makes it a little bit awakard to define. (Using Reflection won’t be easier either) E.g.
function CallableClassPhp53($lifeTime)
return new CallableClassPhp53($lifeTime);
class CallableClassPhp53
public function __construct($lifeTime)
This is solved by the introduction of Variable-length argument lists since PHP 5.6.
function CallableClassPhp56()
return new CallableClassPhp56(...func_get_args());
class CallableClassPhp56
public function __construct($lifeTime)