
Assume the following is the content for example.com.user.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name		Example
// @namespace	http://example.com/
// @description	A simple example of UserScript
// @match		http://example.com/
// @require		http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.js
// @version		1.0.0
// @grant		none
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

if (top === window) {
	alert(typeof this.$)

This will be used throughout this article.

Installed UserScript

Mozilla Firefox

It’s located at ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-folder>/gm_scripts/<@name>/<filename>, e.g. ~/.mozilla/firefox/liwedlz1.default/gm_scripts/Example/example.com.user.js.

When the file is changed, it’s applied immediately.

Google Chrome

Assume the ID for Example in chrome://extensions/ is okfhfojoehlfgaomjbceecgpkhgcodid.

It’s located at ~/.config/google-chrome/<profile-folder>/Extensions/<id>/<@version>_<auto-increment>/script.js E.g. ~/.config/google-chrome/Profile 1/Extensions/okfhfojoehlfgaomjbceecgpkhgcodid/1.0.0_0/script.js

when the file is changed, it’s applied after chrome is restarted.

Metadata Block

Use one tab between // and @key instead one space causes unexpected behaviour in both chrome and firefox.

OK: // @name Example

NG: // @name Example

Tabs or spaces are both accepted between @key and its value.

  • OK: // @name Example

  • OK: // @name Example

It’s a common practice to align values.


Firefox complains about missing @grant so add it.


Chrome 42.0.2311.135 still doesn’t support @noframes directive. A workaround for this is to test whether top is window. E.g.

if (top === window) {
	console.log("Hello world");

A caveat here is that in Firefox, top is not identical to this, so the following code won’t work.

if (top === this) {
	console.log("Hello world");


Chrome 42.0.2311.135 still doesn’t support @require directive. So we see undefined when we visit http://example.com in Chrome.

Firefox doesn’t have this problem. So we see function when we visit http://example.com/ in firefox.