I discovered a good use case of __invoke – that’s when a function expects a callable, e.g. spl_autoload_register.

In this case we often see implementation passes an anonymous function or a named function.

Anonymous function example

Named function example

We can also craft a class which implements __invoke. It’s not too awkward to use.

Callable object example

Let’s compare these three methods.

function autoload($fqcn)
spl_autoload_register(function ($fqcn) {
class Autoload
	public function __invoke($fqcn)
spl_autoload_register(new Autoload());

The paragraphs above merely point out a fact that there is a third option when we implement a callable.

Yet this becomes interesting when you want to dynamically generate a callable for the function that expects a callable, e.g. spl_autoload_register.

function autoload_factory($namespace, $dir)
	return function ($fqcn) use ($namespace, $dir) {
spl_autoload_register(autoload_factory('Example', 'src'));
class AutoloadFactory
	public function __construct($namespace, $dir)

	public function __invoke($fqcn)
spl_autoload_register(new AutoloadFactory('Example', 'src'));

That’s all!